ZEvA is a member of various national and international networks and is listed in EQAR as well as authorised as a quality assurance agency in Germany, Austria and the Ukraine. Furthermore, it cooperates with other organisations both nationally and internationally.
The German Accreditation Council is the central instance of decision-making for all accreditations according to German law, and it approves the agencies for the German accreditation system. ZEvA has been approved for accreditations in Germany since 2000.
More information on the Accreditation Council can be found here: https://www.akkreditierungsrat.de/en
ZEvA is a founding member of the "European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education" (ENQA) since 2000. ENQA is the most important umbrella organisation of agencies and other organisations dealing with quality assurance in higher education in Europe.
You can find more information about ENQA here: https://www.enqa.eu/
ZEvA has been listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) since 2009. EQAR is the central register in the European Higher Education Area and ensures that the listed agencies work according to the principles of the European Standards and Guidelines. EQAR also operates the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR).
More information on EQAR can be found here: https://www.eqar.eu
Since 2024, ZEvA is a full member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) again. INQAAHE is a worldwide association for agencies and other organizations that provide external quality assurance in higher education.
You can find more information about INQAAHE here: https://www.inqaahe.org/
ZEvA has been a founding member of the "European Consortium for Accreditation" (ECA) since 2003. ECA is an association of currently 17 European quality assurance agencies entrusted with accreditation or accreditation-like procedures. ECA's main goals are to simplify the mutual recognition of accreditation decisions and to promote internationalisation in higher education.
More information on the ECA consortium can be found here: http://ecahe.eu/.
Since 2018, ZEvA has been a member of the "Network of Central and Eastern European Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education" (CEENQA). CEENQA is an association of agencies working in Central and Eastern Europe with the aim of strengthening cooperation between these agencies and harmonising their activities.
More information on CEENQA can be found here: https://www.ceenqa.org/
ZEvA is a member of the German Society for Evaluation. The DeGEval is an organisation of persons and institutions working in the field of evaluation and especially aims at professionalising evaluation.
You can find more information on DeGEval here: https://www.degeval.org/home
For several years now, ZEvA has been a partner of the International DAAD Academy (iDA) in the form of guest lectures and regular seminar offers. For example, since 2016, 1-2-day seminars have been offered annually specifically on issues of accreditation and quality assurance of Joint Programmes.
More information and registration at https://www.daad-akademie.de
Since 2014, ZEvA has organised accreditation procedures at Russian higher education institutions and universities together with the Russian quality assurance agency AKKORK. AKKORK, founded in 2005, is an independent non-profit organisation. Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the cooperation has been suspended.
You can find more information here: www.akkork.ru
Since 2022, cooperation agreements for cooperation and mutual support have been in operation with the agencies NAQA (Ukraine) and ANACEC (Republic of Moldova).
More information on the partner agencies can be found at https://en.naqa.gov.ua/ and https://www.anacec.md
Another cooperation agreement was closed with the Ukrainian agency ACEQ in November 2023.